Why Do Mosquitoes Prefer Me, and Not My Friends?

Why Do Mosquitoes Prefer Me, and Not My Friends?


Why do you get bit and others around you don't?

Well, recent evidence shows that certain people can actually give off "masking" odors that can help prevent mosquitoes from finding them.  Researchers now have discovered that those people produce chemicals that smell bad to mosquitoes, "masking" the chemical that usually attracts them to bite.

So, why am I so appealing...?

Did you know that your genetics can play a big part in getting bit by mosquitoes and how often.  

I was actually part of the 23 and Me, (the genetic/ancestry testing company), that did a mosquito bite frequency report based just on my heritage.  And with no surprise I was chosen as one of their favorite meals. I found this so interesting.

It turns out mosquitoes do have a preference and genetics may be partially to blame. This reseach was done on my heritage like I mentioned, but blood type can also play a big part as well.

I am not Blood Type O, but people with this blood type are twice as likely to attract more mosquito bites.

These biting pests can tell their favorite taste is near by from a chemical signal released through the skin revealing individual blood types!

Since this can't be helped, what can you do?

There are alot of things we can do to prevent bites from mosquitoes and no-see-ums.

Avoid drinking alcohol;  Did you know that drinking alcohol makes you more appealing to getting more mosquito bites?  It can make your perspiration sweeter and raise your body temperature.  Both of which can attract more mosquitoes to you.

Wear light colored clothing with good coverage.  Dark colors like black, blue and even dark red can attract these insects.

Avoid peak bug biting hours. This is dawn and dusk.

Avoid wearing alot of cologne or perfume.

Keep netting on infant strollers.

Apply a bug repellent that works against mosquitoes, no-see-ums, gnats and biting flies like G'Bye G'Nats!

And don't be that mosquitoes next meal!




Photo by National Institue of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Photo by G'Bye G'Nats! Co.

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