Don't settle for a mediocre bug repellent, get G'Bye G'Nats! Nature's Bug Repellent

Don't settle for a mediocre bug repellent, get G'Bye G'Nats! Nature's Bug Repellent

When it's a Calling!

First of all, a calling is an overwhelming feeling that there is something you were meant to do, a purpose that is unique only to you. 

Well, creating G'Bye G'Nats! Bug Repellent has been a calling for me. I know this, because I could not get it out of my mind, my head, my heart, even when I was failing over and over and over again.

Let me explain.  My name is Maryanne Fearer.  I am the inventor/creator of G'Bye G'Nats! Nature's Bug Repellent.  And yes, this was and is my calling.  During the pandemic, my husband, daughter, (youngest of 3), and I moved to Hilton Head, SC.  To those who don't know, the lowcountry is known for it's seasonal bugs called no-see-ums, which are like little gnats that bite and can leave a good sized welt on you.  Not to mention the mosquitoes and fire ants.  Soon after moving, we found a home to buy in Bluffton, SC. which is nice and private but is situated with marshy woods behind us. Perfect for getting bit every time we sat outside on our patio, or wanting to play a game of badminton. The bugs ate us up!  It was awful.  I thought, there is no way I am not going to go outside any time I want to just because of those biting bugs!  I love being outside. But, the bug repellents I tried didn't work for me. So, I wanted to make one that did.

I have a background as a Licensed Esthetician, and have created skin care products for family and friends in the past.  I had the knowledge and experience that gave me the incentive to make a bug repellent. But would it work?

So, two years ago "my calling" was to create the BEST all natural bug repellent ever!  My failed formulas were in testing for over a year.  And just when I thought I had it, I once again was disappointed.  I didn't want to make just another mediocre bug repellent, and nothing was the caliber I was seeking so I did what so many do before a breakthrough...I threw in the, "I quit" towel, and gave up.

But... I believe if you think you have a calling, you need to listen to it.  For me, it was this constant nagging I felt not to give up.  From the moment I woke up in the morning until I went to sleep, all I could think about was how to improve on my bug repellent formula. And so I listened to that inner voice to keep going and going and going until I knew, that I knew, I had just developed the best all natural bug repellent ever.  

Then I introduced into the world, G'Bye G'Nats!, a bug repellent that worked to keep no-see-ums, mosquitoes, gnats, biting flies, and even fire ants away.  Also, my goal was for it to smell good and definitely not a greasy feeling on the skin.  Most importantly, safe to use on your face to deter the gnats that buzz around your eyes and without the worry of facial breakouts. My ingredients had to be all natural and beneficial to your skin's health!  You won't even feel like you have to shower it off.  And yes.. It works!

I want to thank everyone who has tried G'Bye G'Nats! Nature's Bug Repellent. I have been blessed with the most wonderful feedback.  Either on my website or in person.  I can not tell you how good it makes me feel that a product I almost gave up on is actually making people happy and love doing things outdoors again. How grateful I am that it works for you and your family.

Thank you to my family who were my testers and crtics and to all who have taken a chance buying my bug repellent when you told me nothing else ever worked for you until you tried, G'Bye G'Nats!



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