7 Reasons you should be using G'Bye G'Nats!

7 Reasons you should be using G'Bye G'Nats!

~ It's as Simple as Black & White ~

1- It work's.  This made in the USA, botanical blend bug repellent deters a variety of unwanted biting insects like mosquitoes, no-see-ums, gnats and flies, all in one handy formula.

2- All natural ingredients. Our main ingredient is Sweetgrass. A botanical well known to the Native Americans for ceremonial purposes and they noticed its insect repelling qualities.  Our formula incorporates sweetgrass with other 100% natural ingredients that produce an even greater effect combined together in combating these insects to achieve a better result than working alone. 

3- A bug repellent you actually love using!  Are you used to putting on bug repellents that feel heavy on your skin?  Or maybe they are so fragrant, that you can't wait to shower it off!  Well, not anymore!  G'Bye G'Nat's! feels so light on your skin, you don't even know you have bug spray on.  And it goes on dry.  What do I mean by that?  I mean that it actually feels non-greasy on your skin. You barely know it's there. But the bugs do!! 

4- Everyone loves the natural scent.  When I say everyone, I mean everyone. Both male and female, young and old. They just can't get enough of the special natural scent of G'Bye G'Nats!  You'll find yourself smelling your arm or hand after spraying it just to get another wiff.  And the longer its on your skin, the more you will smell the blend of botanicals.  

5- Safe to use on your face.  Have you ever been outside enjoying a nice walk, bike ride or playing a sport when the gnats or mosquitoes were flying around your eyes, up your nose or even in your ears?  G'Bye G'Nats! has just solved your problem.  The ingredients in G'Bye G'Nats! are so beneficial to your skin that you can use it on your face.  And it will not promote breakouts.  In fact, it is safe to use around your eyes so you can now have full protection

6- Put to the test for a year.  This ultra formula was tested for a year before bringing it on the market. There was no way I would formulate another just so so bug repellent.  No, this one had to work in the worse case senarios.  Like playing sports at dusk in the sweltering heat near the woods in the lowcountry of Bluffton, South Carolina.  Or playing pickleball early in the morning to beat the heat, but that is when the no-see-ums were rampant. Yes, a full year of bug biting events like this took place to come up with just the right combination of all natural ingredients that worked every time, and to become a bug repellent that YOU could count on!  That's G'Bye G'Nats!

7- Native American owned and operated business. Being a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, I love that our products are made authentically for you and in the USA. I hope to bring you a healthier way of living and to enjoy life to the fullest. Your support means so much.

Thank you for reading!


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